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Elevate Your Health & Performance

Providing personalised nutrition advice to veterans seeking to improve their quality of life and enhance their rehabilitation plan to manage mental and physical injuries.


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Nutrient-packed smoothie by THPD, your trusted dietitian
Grilled steak with vegetables by THPD

Transform Your Life By Nailing Your Nutrition


Does this sound like you?

🍒 Have you developed poor eating and/or drinking habits as a result of your service history?

🍒 Are you looking for a holistic approach to your rehabilitation plan?

🍒 Are you interested in how nutrition can help improve mental and physical wellbeing?

🍒 Is joint pain holding you back from performing as you want to?

🍒 Is poor sleep affecting your food choices, performance, or quality of life?

🍒Are injuries holding you back from being the parent you want to be for your kids?  

All of these reasons, plus more, are exactly why health-conscious souls like you have chosen to work with a Nutrition Professional.

With the right advice and support, you can finally reach optimal health by eating according to YOUR body’s needs.

I'm Here If You Want To Chat →

Understanding nutrition to maximise health, performance, and rehabilitation

Finally reach optimal health and performance through The DVA Client program. You want to stay energetic, symptom-free and healthy and I’m here to help you do it. 

Together, we can eliminate all hesitation around nutrition so that you feel confident that you are eating optimally, in line with your goals and your body’s needs. This way you’ll waste no energy on the process and release the energy needed to live life to the fullest!

THPD's fitness assessment process
Fresh fruit smoothie by THPD, your experienced dietitian

I’m The Dietitian For You Because…...

I'm your Accredited Practising Dietitian, Sports Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. 

Being the wife of a Veteran who served for nearly 14 years, I understand the great effect nutrition can have on the rehabilitation of someone's mental and physical health. My approach to Veterans' health is built on a foundation of respect for the individuals, their service and the unique circumstances that have led them to seek nutritional advice to improve their quality of life.

Together, we can map out YOUR nutritional needs, optimal meal patterns, and sustainable way of eating so you can reach your biggest health and fitness goals. 

Reach Out Here →


The DVA Client

The program where we dive deep into your nutritional needs and eating habits, ensuring you confidently align your diet with your health and performance goals..


Personalised Nutrition Plans to Fuel Your Workouts

At THPD there is no one-size-fits-all. Dietary advice and nutrition plans are tailored to meet your unique needs, preferences, requirements, potential health conditions, and goals. This way you’re guaranteed a nutrition plan that aligns with your rehabilitation plan, making it highly effective and sustainable for long-term success.

Virtual or In-Person Appointments: 

I offer appointments over Zoom and face-to-face. Our initial appointment will be face-to-face but you can choose the option that best suits you for our follow-up appointments. It’s important to me that you are comfortable - so pick the option that suits you best.

Long-term Support for Sustainable Change

Eligible veterans are entitled to 12 sessions per referral. We therefore have plenty of time to deep dive into your nutritional needs, improve your lifestyle to align with your rehabilitation goals, and develop habits for sustainable results.

Contact Me For Any Questions →

At the end of our time together, you’ll be able to…


🍒 Understand how you can maximise health, performance, and rehabilitation

🍒 Break bad eating and lifestyle habits you know aren’t serving you

🍒 Experience improvements in symptoms of poor mental or physical health

🍒 Feel healthier so you can live your best life

🍒 Improve your knowledge on how nutrition affects mental and physical wellbeing

Let’s navigate your nutrition goals together



To Work With Me

Get a referral from your GP


Your Offer to Join

 Keep an eye out for your letter of acceptance to join the program. Once you have accepted, we can get started.


Your Journey Starts

Schedule in your appointments, complete your pre-appointment questionnaire are documents, and get started

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