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My Last Diet

THPD, your dietitian, offering tailored fitness programs

This is for you if...

🍒 You’re sick of trying different diets without seeing long-term success

🍒 You have a poor relationship with food and want to sort it once and for all

🍒 You want to understand the psychological side of eating

🍒 You want to know why meal timing matters

🍒 You want to know where supplements come in handy

🍒 You want to know how to up your health through nutrition

🍒 You eat food

What's Covered?

My Last Diet will teach you everything you need to know about:

🍒 Physiological and psychological reasons we eat and how to use them to our advantage

🍒 Diet Quality (we deep dive into both macro- and micronutrients)

🍒 Meal Composition & Timing to suit different goals

🍒 Label Reading

🍒 Different FAD Diets

🍒 Supplements for various goals

🍒 Nutrition Mindset - Learn how it's holding you back and how to change it to achieve long-term success

🍒 Goal Setting & Habits

🍒 The psychology behind eating, habits, and goal setting

THPD, your dietitian, customising diet plans

My Last Diet


One Time Payment - Sign up below

  • 4-week online course
  • Around 60 minutes of video education per week

  • Resources to support your learning

  • Weekly worksheets for you to reflect on and apply what you learn to YOUR unique lifestyle and goals

  • A 90-minute podcast with myself and my brother who is a clinical psychologist 

  • Email support throughout the course for any questions you may have