$222.00 AUD

My Last Diet

The course that helps you discover your optimal diet to achieve and SUSTAIN your goals.

Over four weeks, you'll engage with weekly educational video content (~60 minutes/week), comprehensive resources, and practical worksheets that help you apply what you learn. By the end of the course, you will understand your current eating habits, why past efforts to change may have failed, and what dietary adjustments are best suited for you. Applying the course content will equip you with lasting dietary habits that align with your goals and lifestyle, making this the last diet you'll ever need.

 Course Outline:

Week 1 - Reasons we Eat:

  • Physiological and psychological reasons we eat
  • Introduction to nutrition mindset
  • BONUS podcast with clinical psychologist David Wiken on the psychological factors affecting our relationship with food (90 minutes) 

Week 2 - Nutrition Part 1:

  • What does a healthy diet look like?
  • Macronutrients: the role of each and how much you should have of each
  • Micronutrients: Where do we get them from and how do we know we are getting enough?
  • Label reading - Understand how to pick the right product beyond how many calories and protein there are in the food and learn to not get fooled by misleading claims

Week 3 - Nutrition Part 2:

  • Nutrition Mindset & Language
  • Nutrient timing and meal composition in line with YOUR goal
  • Breakdown of different FAD diets and knowing which one is right for YOU
  • Supplements - which ones are worth your money, based on your specific goals and lifestyle?

Week 4 - Application Week:

  • Summary
  • Mindset to Change
  • Goal Setting
  • Getting rid of and creating new habits
  • Achieving long-term success